Fragility of Life
Mortality became real with the unexpected accident causing the death of my third son, Andy, at the age of 32. Suddenly life became very fragile and we feel very vulnerable. I began thinking of the Gold Star parents who lost a child while serving in the military and under my care with a new understanding of their grief.
Now years later I can still resurrect the unbearable grief at the time of his death and the continued loss..
Time has passed. There have been many losses over the years. And we have survived but learned to plan different since we don't know when our time comes.
Diane and I began to age chronologically and physically and thinking about aging became the new obsession. When are we old? How do we live our best lives with joy and pleasure, a smile and a hug for those you love? When and how will we die:?
I suspect as some point we all experience similar musings though they may not be part of social conversations with friends.
I started using song writing and music to begin to explore the complexities of aging and also the fear of losing control and becoming dependent.