Berube, Allan. COMING OUT UNDER FIRE. Free Press. 1990
Despite the many histories of the fighting men and women in World War II, none has been written about the estimated one million homosexuals. Here is a dramatic story of these people, revealing the history of the anti-gay policy pursued by the U.S. military authorities in World War II.
Cammermeyer, Margarethe with Chris Fisher. SERVING IN SILENCE. 2016
The new edition contains more than forty pages beginning with my return to the military, the film Serving in Silence, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, LGBTQ marriage equality, and more.
Faderman, Lillian. THE GAY REVOLUTION. Simon & Schuster. 2015
The sweeping story of the struggle for gay and lesbian rights—based on amazing interviews with politicians, military figures, and members of the entire LGBT community who face these challenges every day: “This is the history of the gay and lesbian movement that we’ve been waiting for” (The Washington Post).
Frank, Nathaniel. UNFRIENDLY FIRE. St. Martin's Press. 2009
Nathaniel Frank exposes the military's policy toward gays and lesbians as damaging and demonstrates that "don't ask, don't tell" must be replaced with an outright reversal of the gay ban.
Rimmerman, Craig. GAY RIGHTS, MILITARY WRONGS. Garland Publishing. 1996
This is a collection of articles that explore various facets of the issue of gay people serving in the armed forces. It includes the law cases for Margarethe Cammermeyer v. Les Aspin and Margarethe Cammermeyer v. William Perry.
Interviews with more than one thousand gay servicepeople highlight an investigation into the presence and treatment of homosexuals in the military.
Witt, Margie. TELL. ForeEdge. 2007
Tell is the riveting story of Witt’s decorated twenty-year military career and dedication as a frontline flight nurse, as well as a recounting of the tense, politically charged legal battle that led to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and helped pave the way for a suite of landmark legal victories for gay rights and the freedom to marry.